Strega's Needles & Hooks

This is my little piece of cyber space where I rant or rave, depending on my mood. Postings are whatever interests me at the time. Life with an Italian in Switzerland is interesting indeed! CLICK ON PHOTOS TO SEE ENLARGEMENTS

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Not just any swatch, but one I made from my first ever spindle spinning!
I was given a huge bag of raw fleece that is so dirty I'm washing it in small batches in the bath tub. Each time it takes 5 washes and 4 rinses to get the fleece reasonably clean.
Then it takes 4 or 5 or 6 days to dry thorougly. In the photo the fleece is in a pillow case hanging on the clothes line.
Then it must be carded. Since the staple is quite short, the carding takes hours. I card enough to spin about 20 meters at a time. It's a very long process!
For this swatch I transfered the spun yarn from the spindle to two cardboard tubes that once help toilet tissue. I then plied them together onto the spindle, then wound the plied yarn back onto another empty tube.
Finally I was ready to knit the swatch. After knitting I used some Easter egg dye to dye it in the microwave.
What a learning experience! In the coming years I hope to be a much better spinner because I've found that I really love doing it. :-)


Blogger Ariel said...

YAY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks great!!!!

Friday, 09 June, 2006  
Blogger Tallguy said...

Oh, you are doing very well!! Beautiful piece of knitting -- all the more special because you did it all by yourself!! Terrific! But you already know that.

Sometimes a very dirty fleece is just not worth all that bother. Does it have a lot of VM in it, or just greasy? Get a really good strong detergent to get it clean. And a little grease is good too!

I have to say I like the CD spindle too -- altho cheap, it does work beautifully, and so portable. I take it whenever I have some waiting to do, and I can sure do a lot in little caught moments!

Can't wait to see what else you come up with!!

Saturday, 10 June, 2006  

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