Strega's Needles & Hooks

This is my little piece of cyber space where I rant or rave, depending on my mood. Postings are whatever interests me at the time. Life with an Italian in Switzerland is interesting indeed! CLICK ON PHOTOS TO SEE ENLARGEMENTS

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I'm still waiting for a package to arrive in my mailbox from the Sock Hop Swap.
I've received 2 emails with promises from my pal but it's getting later by the minute so I'm wondering how long it takes to knit one sock and mail that sock & yarn for the mate to your pal. I did it in 2 weeks. Why would it take 4 months for someone else?
I'm suspicious because I've been a victim before.
Sock Wars was a lot of work and expense. I knitted 2 pairs and 1 sock, and then shipped them to 3 different locations, but I received nothing in return.
Another totally disasterous swap was SP9.
Even after emailing the hostesses many times, I still received nothing! How on earth does one deal with this kind of dishonesty in a swap??
Don't get me wrong, I love swapping when both parties are totally committed to their part of the bargain. I've received some terrific swap packages in the past and I continue to committ myself to new swaps. The idea of swapping with someone on the other side of the world is fascinating. But both parties must be honest and keep their end of the bargain. Why commit to a swap when you have no intention of sending anything? Dare I say that these swappers are nothing but thieves in disguise? It just may seem so.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

aww... you must be kidding me! Stiffed again??
I know life can get crazy sometimes, but these swaps are not that hard of a commitment! Maybe you should stick to swaps where people get feedback, like on crafster. I think after my exams are over next week I might be starting one there :)

Friday, 03 August, 2007  
Blogger Caroline said...

How sad!I haven't participated in any swaps, but I have been thinking that they sound fun. I did kind of wonder about what happens when you hook up with a person who doesn't play right.:(

Your post makes me want to be extra careful about joining one.

Friday, 03 August, 2007  

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