This is Schloss (castle) Neuhabsburg at Meggen, the one we were looking for but didn't find. Later we did a bit of research and now know exactly where to find it. I'll be posting my own pics of it after our visit. I found the one below on the 'net'.
Strega's Needles & Hooks
This is my little piece of cyber space where I rant or rave, depending on my mood. Postings are whatever interests me at the time. Life with an Italian in Switzerland is interesting indeed! CLICK ON PHOTOS TO SEE ENLARGEMENTS
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
We went for a drive in the car to find a castle. It turned out that we're not very savvy castle seekers because, after 4 hrs, we still didn't find that particular castle.
However, we did tour around some lakes.
This is a place called Weggis. It's one of many tiny towns along Lake Vierwaldstatter in central Switzerland, about 1.5 hrs from our home.
This is Schloss (castle) Neuhabsburg at Meggen, the one we were looking for but didn't find. Later we did a bit of research and now know exactly where to find it. I'll be posting my own pics of it after our visit. I found the one below on the 'net'.
sure is pretty, makes me kinda homesick a bit :)
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