With a lot of careful attention, I picked up the back portion of all the cast on stitches, knit about 1 1/2" in my handspun, then ran the live stitches onto a length of yarn and basted down my hem. Then I carefully sewed each stitch into place. I steamed it a little with the iron and Voila, a wonderful flat hem.
Strega's Needles & Hooks
This is my little piece of cyber space where I rant or rave, depending on my mood. Postings are whatever interests me at the time. Life with an Italian in Switzerland is interesting indeed! CLICK ON PHOTOS TO SEE ENLARGEMENTS
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I grabbed some handspun I had on hand and some Filatura di Crosa 501, and I swatched. I got the same gauge on both, give or take just a smidge. Hurrah!
I'm not all that crazy about long sleeves and tend to push them up to my elbows when I do wear them so this sweater was going to have elbow length sleeves.
The percentage system recommended for sleeves seemed a little small so I cast on an extra 4 stitches. I did the increases as suggested and then knit straight up to 2" short of my underarm. I tried the sleeve on. It fit! So I knit the other sleeve.
With a lot of careful attention, I picked up the back portion of all the cast on stitches, knit about 1 1/2" in my handspun, then ran the live stitches onto a length of yarn and basted down my hem. Then I carefully sewed each stitch into place. I steamed it a little with the iron and Voila, a wonderful flat hem.
I don't like a high neck line because it just irritates my neck so I knit the yoke an inch less in length than EZ suggests. Doing this I ended up with more neck stitches than she suggests so I had improvise just a little.
I tried doing the short row neck shaping....... 3 times. I frogged 3 times!! Grrrrrrrrrr.....
After studying what I had to do to make it look proper, I finally managed to knit a very nice, very fitting short row neckline.
I'm sooooo impressed! No, not with the sweater, although I do like it and it fits very well. I'm impressed with this super intelligent and logical percentage method of knitting sweaters. I know for a fact that I'll do it again. :o)
Wow! Impressive! Looks great on you too, which is always a bonus, don't you think? :P
Wow!!! It looks so perfect on you!!! Beautiful beautiful beautiful!!!
Deb that sweater is awsome!! I need to get ahold of some of EZ's books!!
I'm impressed, but then again, I'm always impressed by what comes flying off your needles. It really is beautiful!! Great job!!!
Now, did you ever finish those socks yet??? The orange ones.........LOL
Stunning work!
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