Strega's Needles & Hooks

This is my little piece of cyber space where I rant or rave, depending on my mood. Postings are whatever interests me at the time. Life with an Italian in Switzerland is interesting indeed! CLICK ON PHOTOS TO SEE ENLARGEMENTS

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I actually completed this sock!
It's a little snug but it fits and, with two layers of yarn, will keep my tootsies
extremely warm.
Finishing the mate will probably take some time
since Christmas gift knitting is a priority at the moment.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I am determined to accomplish some color stranded projects because of the complex beauty of the designs and because I'm just plain stubborn. ;-)
My problem is that I knit too tight! Even with a conscious effort
to loosen up my tension throughout knitting this sock thus far, it is too snug.
Therefore I am pleading to those knitters who have done colour stranding
to advise me on how I can further loosen up my tension. HELP!!!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Sock Wars Update:
My 3rd target's socks arrived today for me to finish.
I never thought I'd last this long, although I know
my own "socks of doom" are flying to me as I write this.
With only around 123 of us left from 772, I think I did alright. ;-)

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Finished up some small Christmas gifts for my grandson.
Scarf & toque in navy superwash and a Christmas stocking from my spindlespun
superwash. It's already stuffed with Swiss biscuits, Swiss chocolate & dried fruit.