A package from my KVVS pal arrived on my doorstep this morning.
She took me on an absolutely wonderful trip to TEXAS!
Everything about this vacation was so terrific that it brought tears of joy to my eyes!

I got a stained glass suncatcher in the shape & state colours of Texas, and a copper postcard with cowboy boots and hat. Terrific momentos they are!
I got stitch markers.... totally awesome stitch markers! I love the hat, the armadillo and the bull 'who loves to knit'. ;o)
I got this totally gorgeous basket/container. It's a gold metal frame with a very glittery gauze type covering. It's so wonderfully unique and will be a perfect prop for photo shoots as well as useful for storing all my treasures.
Michelle read my blog and knew that I have a grandchild coming in January so she added 2 skeins of Bernat Softy Baby. Awwww.. I am sooo touched! There are also 2 postcards from New Mexico, one of the world's largest gypsum dune field, the other of the bat flight from the Carlsbad Caverns National Park. Since I didn't know these phenomena existed, I was really intrigued by these postcards..... Getting an education on your vacation is a very good thing. :-)Sweets for the sweet --- my grandson will love the chocolate and marzipan.The white tea if for me! I'm a tea lover and have never had white tea. I think I'll make myself a cup right now! ;-)
I was so intrigued when I saw this. What is it? A potholder? Nah, couldn't be, it's too thin. There's no hanger for it either. Hmmmm... how interesting.
Very soft cotton with gorgeous pictures on both sides. Whatever can it be???
Ahhhh.. there's a pocket in the middle with a note. Ohhhhhhhh, it's a bun warmer! ;o) Oooops, I mean a 'Roll' warmer, a muffin warmer and/or a bagel warmer. What an original idea! I love it!
What's this gorgeous fiber I see here?? Ohhhhh myyyyyyyy.......It's Misti Alpaca Lace yarn!! 2 skeins of it!! I'm sure I've died and gone to heaven! :o)