Strega's Needles & Hooks
This is my little piece of cyber space where I rant or rave, depending on my mood. Postings are whatever interests me at the time. Life with an Italian in Switzerland is interesting indeed! CLICK ON PHOTOS TO SEE ENLARGEMENTS
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I wanted to mention my progress of another knitting project on my last post but.... like everything else these days ... it completely slipped my mind, till now.
So, here is my progress pic!
It's really disappointing that my camera never gets the colour right! The real colour is a very pretty dark steel blue.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A while ago I got my first fiber from the Yarn Yard Fiber club. I spun up about 50 grams (a little less than 1/2 of what I received). It's BFL superwash and it's so soft. I knew I wanted socks from it but didn't want to use it all up so I plied it with some dark chocolate wool, also very soft, that I purchased at a local hobby shop here in central Switzerland.
I don't have a picture of the plied yarn, sorry! It just skipped my mind to take one, which happens a lot the older I get... forgetting, I mean. I need a string around every finger to remind me of things. But how can you knit with fingers full of string? At least I know I'm not alone with this malady so I take comfort in that.
I didn't want to run out of yarn, so I only did 2 repeats of the leg pattern rather than 3. This one turned out okay and feels really nice on my foot. Now to knit the mate.
It's not an easy task to fling your foot up on a table and then contort your body to take a picture of your foot! Hmmm.. I guess I should change the tablecloth now before we eat on it, huh. ;o)
Saturday, September 15, 2007
No knitting content but just look at these cuddley creatures!
Just look at that adorable black & white one!! Wouldn't his fleece be totally awesome to spin! :o)
All these cuties will get a shearing now before being put into pasture near their winter home. The sheep farmers around here shear their sheep twice a year. However, as a rule the fleeces are not sold. Every so often a farmer will take his fleeces to the processing plant in Bern, but it's so far from here and the payment doesn't even cover the cost of gas. As a result of this, the fleeces are usually burnt at a specific location nearby. What a shame!!
Every sheep gets the initial of his owner painted on his back after shearing. This helps to distinguish whose sheep belong to Farmer Fritz and whose to Farmer Johan.