Strega's Needles & Hooks

This is my little piece of cyber space where I rant or rave, depending on my mood. Postings are whatever interests me at the time. Life with an Italian in Switzerland is interesting indeed! CLICK ON PHOTOS TO SEE ENLARGEMENTS

Friday, July 27, 2007

It's already the end of July and I feel I've not accomplished much in the way of FOs.
The reason being I have startitis... that nasty malady that seems to affect many a knitter. I may be happily knitting away at my current project but then I see a pattern I love or a blog with something I love, and I must start it right away. I completely block from mind everything else that I had started with that same tingley excitement.
Here you see 4 of my recent WIPs:
a baby blanket in white with blue tufts for my new grandchild expected in January,
Eunny's Bayerische sock in apricot ( ),
a curlique blankie with leftovers that I'm trialing (I want to knit another for the baby with sock yarn from my stash) ( ),
and Uzume socks in shades of brown Trekking Pro Natura( )

So now that I've had a very stern talk with myself on reasons I have this malady in the first place, and how I can overcome it without too many side affects or withdrawl symptoms, I've committed myself to begin finishing everything I've begun and I've sworn off blog cruising and pattern book reading for the entire time it takes to finish my WIPs.

Yesterday was the beginning of my committment and so today I've made some progress toward my goal.

It's a start. ;o)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Gimme your stuff -- a cultural swap!
This looks like a great kind of swap for anything & everything.
I can't even imagine what I'd want. The list could be endless.
I'm willing to swap:
Swiss chocolate -- the best in the world!
Swiss fondue -- for cheese lovers
Swiss herbal tea
Handspun, hand dyed yarn by me -- for those crafty, knitterly, crochet people
Post cards & picture books of Swiss scenes
If there's anything Swiss-related that you're after, I might be able to get it -- Leave a comment and I'll get back to you. :o)

I found a contest here.
To enter, you're just required to leave a comment and link to it from your blog. Couldn't be simplier, could it? ;o)